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Now @ 2024-07

What a month of change.

🏥 Passings and Hospitals

July started with the passing of a household family member. My first major passing after I’m old enough to understand. A surge of mixed feelings, coupled with the weekend of busy ceremonies and hosting people.

Spent a lot on reflection, that I’ve no regrets and I’ve processed a firm grasp of the situation. So I came out smoother than expected. But just physically tired from the events, emotionally okay.

Hah, one conclusion I came to was that, every funeral you attend/hear of, is one funeral closer to your own. Could be a hundred funerals, could be five, or this could be your last. What’s going to fill that gap between now and your funeral?

The week after that, another household member was suddenly admitted to hospital. Had few more trips for hospital visits, but only for a couple days. Thankful, it would’ve been too much to handle too soon.

💼 Changing jobs

Yeah then I prepared to say goodbye to my colleagues in Airasia MOVE. Spent a weekend whipping up for colleagues to write goodbye messages or tell a funny joke or whatever. Brainstormed an over-engineered solution, the KISS result is just elegant in its sufficiency. Thanks to all who took time to write!

Really warmed my heart to receive sending-off convos with colleagues, all the good terms and reach-outs. Thank you for such a great first job experience, all of you have set the bar really high. Treating me as an equal peer and being blind to age. Struggling and winning and exploring more than just our work, together. Thank you ❤️

Today marks my first week here at decube. It’s a real change in pace and culture, warming up for it. Enjoying the new/different workflow and people. Looking forward!

Travelling (1h+ one-way) has been taking a toll, I crash earlier and need longer sleep. Maybe it’s just the aftereffects of early July, and the job-transition jet lag. Besides this, it’s been cool!

💍 First friend’s wedding

My high school friend got married! The decorations and vibes were amazing of course. But the beauty that really stayed with me was to see their friends/families/communities support them and hedge them, while they themselves are so diligent in doing everything right and pure. Highlights:

  • During the wedding ceremony: worship session, circle of elders
  • The speeches from their parents. So intentional and weighty.
  • The official cinematic weekend recap video, coupled with a casual behind-the-scenes vlog
  • Dance floor with friends and strangers sharing the joy of witnessing the beautiful marriage

👥 Others

Friend came back from overseas! Finally got to meet him and catch up jajajajaja. Yeah it’s just neat to talk to him in the flesh. Especially in this season.

And in my last weeks of work at ex-company, I was practically booked for meals every day, with other friends from high school too, there’s one 1 year older, one 3 years younger, lol.

Six major social hangouts in total, whew, after the mini-reunion of family friends in the first week, because of the funeral. Evidently, didn’t get much else done. I think that’s alright though.

Looking forward to August. Getting in stride with new work. Personal technical projects may be pushed back for a bit this month. Hopefully getting more headway with personal projects and studies.

So much for 3 paragraphs hard limit lol